Across America and around the world, Doyle and Cherie, have seen an outpouring of God's Holy Spirit. Hundreds have been radically changed, multitudes have received baptism in the Holy Spirit and healing miracles continue to happen every single week.
* Over 100 healed of paralyzed or immobilized arms
* Tumors and growths have dissapeared
* Many blind and deaf have been healed.
At every turn, this ministry receives awesome reports of what God is doing. Feel free to contact Dr. Doyle or Cherie about this global outreach that has enjoyed over 40 years of continuous service.
After Years of Church Planting & Missionary Evangelism, Doyle & Cherie Jones continue to travel the globe teaching and training pastors being filled with the spirit, healing & pastoral leadership.
Help support DJM and pastors around the globe. We are a dedicated to continuing the education of Pastors and Church's globally as well as church plants. Click Below to make a 1 time donation.
Don't hesitate to get in contact with us, even if it's just to
share your personal testimony or if we can connect you with an
upcoming event.
Tel: (937) 551-1356 or (937) 551-1DJM
Copyright © Doyle Jones Ministries, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.